The HOPE'S INterns House

"I had the most amazing experience in Guatemala and I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to help more people to achieve the amazing feeling I got once the house was done and a family in Guatemala was empowered."
-Emma, Sophomore at BHS

The HOPE’S INternship program is a leadership development program for high school students in the Chicagoland area. Through the program, students learn the basics about nonprofit organization management, raise awareness about our cause through presentations throughout the community, and orchestrate our annual fashion show fundraiser, Hope’s in Style. 

This year, Hope’s in Style is set to take place on March 8th, 2020. The proceeds of Hope’s in Style go towards our community development projects in Zone 3 of Guatemala City. The area of Zone 3 that we work in is often referred to as the garbage dump communities as families living there are completely or partially reliant on the city’s landfill for means of survival. As an organization, we have worked with our Guatemalan partner, Potters House Association, to empower 42 families with a brand new, cinder block home. 

Three years ago, our INtern class of 2017 set out to fundraise to build a home that would empower a family in Zone 3. This was a feat that they tackled with creativity and boldness. They were able to fundraise $3,780. Now, our INtern class of 2020 would like to complete the project they begun and fundraise the remaining $3,720. Help them achieve their goal by donating today!

$5,880 of $7,500 raised
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