HOPE’S IN is committed to giving students the opportunity to participate in our Service Learning Exchanges. HOPE’S IN makes a limited amount of scholarship assistance available on a need basis to families who request it. HOPE’S IN Scholarship Committee, comprised of three Executive Committee members, is responsible for administering the Scholarship Program. All information is kept in confidence.
If you are in need of financial assistance, complete this form and submit confidentially to scholarships@hopesin.org no later than 6 weeks prior to your trip’s departure. The Scholarship Committee will review your request and you will be contacted with our decision and instructions for payment.
Every effort will be made to assist your family with the amount of scholarship money requested.
Applicant must submit a 500-word essay on the topic of “What would going on the Hope’s In Service Learning Exchange to Guatemala mean to me”.
NOTE: Individual fund-raising efforts are a requirement and is factored into scholarship decisions.