The Hope’s in Academy Feature: Meet Ananya

The Hope’s in Academy Feature: Meet Ananya

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On January 27, 2020
The Hope’s in Academy is a program that HOPE’S IN runs in District 220 of Illinois! The program is for Freshmen in high school to learn about social advocacy and gain the skills and confidence to start and implement social impact projects! The Hope’s in Academy is one of our core initiatives in our mission to help develop the next generation of humanitarian leaders. This program is funded by a local foundation called the Barrington Area Community Foundation and is lead by our Executive Director Courtney McGovern and by Dr. Heath McFaul and Amy Winkelman of Barrington High School. In an effort to share more about what the Hope’s in […]
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What Martin Luther King Jr. Day Means to Me

What Martin Luther King Jr. Day Means to Me

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On January 20, 2020
““If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Thank you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for your commitment and passion, may your legacy continue in our world, countries, cities, streets, policies, conversations, schools, and beyond. I remember receiving the email like it was yesterday, I had been accepted to the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars program at New York University (NYU). This was one of the few merit-based scholarship programs at NYU. I was in the waiting room of a doctor’s office with my mom […]
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