The Karlblom Family Goes to Guatemala

The Karlblom Family Goes to Guatemala

Hello, All!

This past May, I was able to attend a mission trip with my family through Hope’s In and help build a home in Guatemala for the Aguirre family. This was my daughter, Brooke and my 3rd house, but what made it special was having my husband come for the first time. I got to see this week spent in Guatemala through his eyes. A change that affects a family’s life forever. We take for granted all the things we have here; to empower a family with a sink with running water, a toilet to flush, and a shower to rinse off in at night is a gift. Thankfully, there’s no more rain water filling their home because it’s sturdy enough now and there’s new cement floors which means no more dropping food/towels/clothes and getting dirt on. Also there’s a door with a lock at night for safety! Totally priceless! I am forever blessed by this wonderful experience.

This summer our family is traveling again to Guatemala to work alongside a family as we build their home. As volunteers with HOPE’S IN, we are committed to raise part of the cost of the home we will be building. We are hoping to raise $1,425 with the help of our friends. Each house project is about $7,500. Anything above and beyond will help offset the costs of our volunteer fees for security, translators and supporting Potters House.

It often takes families multiple generations to save money for a cinderblock home. This home provides dignity, security, and protection for an amazing family in Guatemala City. Thank you for your support!


Much love,

The Karlblom Family