Garrett McGovern is currently an Associate Wealth Advisor at Barrington Wealth Management. McGovern serves on the Board of Directors and is a Child Sponsor.
McGovern is also married to the Executive Director, Courtney McGovern. While dating, McGovern traveled to Guatemala in 2016 with Courtney.
When asked why he got involved, McGovern says: “At first, I wanted to support my, at the time, girlfriend in what she was passionate about but that desire has grown into a passion to really get to know and help the families living in Zone 3 of Guatemala City. This region of the world has a special place in my heart now and forever.”
He went on to share a fun memory: “ALL the kids in the communities call me GALLO because the first year I went to visit them, the way I wore my hair reminded them of a rooster that is in the logo of their national beer company.”