HOPE’S IN partners with Potter’s House Association’s in Guatemala City to help sponsor children living within the garbage dump communities.

Sponsoring a child is one of the best ways to help a child in Guatemala overcome poverty. Sponsorship allows people to build an individual and special relationship with a child living in the garbage dump communities. Through God’s love and your sponsorship, we help transform the life of a child. Your monthly donation fulfills the following needs: 

Tutoring & Education

As children in Guatemala only go to school for half the day, Potter’s House offers children a safe place to do their homework and get tutoring help.

Christian Values and Principles

Every organization has core beliefs and values. Potter’s House seeks to instill values like of loving others, prayer and encouraging one another into the children the serve.

Nutritious Meals

Every school day a child will receive a warm, nutritious meal. This is often the only warm meal a child will eat for the day in these communities.

Love, Affection, and Medical Attention

The value of a hug or knowing that someone cares is something many of the children don’t know. Potter’s House offers counseling services and emotional support to the children.


Sponsorship is easy, it just takes 3 steps:


Choose between an elementary or secondary grade student.

You can sponsor an elementary student for $35 per month, or sponsor a secondary student for $70 per month


Go to the Potter’s House secure donation page.


Develop a relationship with your sponsored child.

Once you’ve successfully submitted your donation, you will be sent a biography for your sponsored student. We encourage you to develop a relationship with them. You can send as many letters as you want, or even come to Guatemala and meet them. We want you to become an important part of their life!

Let’s get in touch!