HOPE’S IN Launches New Scholarship Program to Give Students an Experience of a Lifetime

HOPE’S IN Launches New Scholarship Program to Give Students an Experience of a Lifetime

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On April 16, 2016
“A HOPE’S IN volunteer once said: “What happens in Guatemala certainly does not stay in Guatemala.” He was referring to the sense of empowerment and compassion that had penetrated his heart and led him to believe that he is capable of making an impact. That’s the effect serving others has on people, that’s the effect HOPE’S IN believes will shape the next generation of humanitarian leaders. It is because of this belief that HOPE’S IN has now created a new set of programs to empower every person to attend their summer trips! The HOPE’S IN Scholarship program launched this week, along with the new Hope Works program. Both of which are supplements to their […]
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Hope’s In Style Prepares For Popular Fashion Show This Weekend

Hope’s In Style Prepares For Popular Fashion Show This Weekend

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On February 15, 2016
    “Hope’s In Style is a student run fundraiser that has raised funds to build homes and provide medical help and donations to people living in the garbage dump area in Guatemala City. Founded by Barrington high school 2014 graduates, Courtney & Ashley Quigley while they were juniors at BHS, Hope’s In Style mission created a movement that has engaged people from all over 60010 to get involved. Hope’s In Style has developed into a 501c3 HOPE’S IN. “After being a stylist for the 2014 Hope’s In Style Fashion Show, I decided to go on the trip and see the garbage dump communities myself. This trip changed my life in numerous ways but most importantly, […]
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Hope’s In Style Announces 4th Annual Fashion Show

Hope’s In Style Announces 4th Annual Fashion Show

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On January 18, 2016
This past August over two groups of over 75 humanitarians and Barrington residents traveled down to the heart of the Guatemala City garbage dump communities to change the lives of 8 special families. These families face incredible challenges daily as they live on the outskirts of Latin America’s largest landfill. The residents of this area live in homes made from items they have claimed from the dump. A majority of the homes are made from corrugated metal and bed sheets for doors. Aside from the health problems caused by the unsanitary conditions, many have been victims of violent crimes as well. For three years the local Barrington non-profit Hope’s In […]
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HOPE’S IN Brings Hope to The People of the Guatemala City Dump Communities

HOPE’S IN Brings Hope to The People of the Guatemala City Dump Communities

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On August 19, 2015
Over the course of the first two weeks of August, Hope’s In led a total of 77 volunteers to serve in the Guatemala City garbage dump communities through the partnership with the local host organization, Potter’s House Association. These volunteers went to Guatemala City to bring hope to some of the 11,000 people living in the surrounding dump communities. During our trip we built eight cinder block homes, hosted two weeks of medical clinics through out the communities that brought much needed medical help to nearly 600 people. We also hosted soccer and dance camps for over 125 children living in these communities. Though these numbers give a quantitative look into the impact […]
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Week 2 Day 5, 2015

Week 2 Day 5, 2015

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On August 14, 2015
Dear Hope’s In community, It was difficult to say goodbye to those that we love in Guatemala but we returned with a renewed passion to continue to serve and love not only the Treasures but those around us too! So let me say it now, we love this community! Thank you for pouring out your support over the past few weeks. This new season of service is going to be filled with exciting new steps, initiatives and leadership development. Please see this note as not a “see you next year” but as an invitation to continue or start getting involved with Hope’s In! The trips next year will to take […]
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Week 2 Day 4, 2015

Week 2 Day 4, 2015

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On August 13, 2015
Dear Hope’s In community, Last year one of our volunteers Matt Coy was moved when he noticed so many small children running around the communities with no shoes. Community streets are often lined with scraps of metal, broken glass, dirt and dog waste so shoes are necessary for good health and sanitation. Feeling convicted, Matt started an initiative called Hope’s In Stride where he collected over 500 pounds of shoes to give to the Treasures. Yesterday over 40 children left soccer camp with a new soccer jersey donated by BASA, a pair of shoes collected by Matt, and a soccer ball (soccer balls and jerseys were collected by our volunteer […]
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Week 2 Day 3, 2015

Week 2 Day 3, 2015

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On August 13, 2015
Dear Hope’s In community, Concrete day was a success! All six houses have a solid concrete floor that will protect from bacteria build up, prevent the Treasures from breathing in harmful methane gasses that come off the ground, and provide a much cleaner environment. In the afternoon we did the Prayer Walk project. All our volunteers entered into different families homes to hear their stories, listen to their challenges and dreams. We also prayed for the families and were eager to encourage everyone we met. One volunteer said started her prayer so beautifully: “Dear God, thank you for bringing us to this woman’s door.” Amongst these exciting projects we have […]
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Week 2 Day 2, 2015

Week 2 Day 2, 2015

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On August 11, 2015
Dear Hope’s In community, The second day of week two is coming to a close. Potter’s House Association always strives to have their volunteers develop as better servants throughout the week. Today we learned about stewardship and excellence and how they relate to serving. One of our volunteers made a very insightful comment about excellence: “Excellence and perfection are often viewed as the same thing but excellence is actually just giving your personal best while perfection is a false standard we try to set for ourselves or others.” -Nicole Niro, IL Every day that we serve in the communities we are learning how to give more genuinely, build stronger relationships […]
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Week 2 Day 1, 2015

Week 2 Day 1, 2015

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On August 11, 2015
Dear Hope’s In community, All 55 of our week 2 volunteers arrived safely and have completed an amazing first day of work! Six houses are under construction, sports and dance clinics are being hosted and our medical clinic is running! Every volunteer has a purpose for being on this trip. Some find out the first day, others will encounter their “reason” later in the week. It’s so exciting to think about how every person on the trip is going to make an impact and also be impacted. 55 lives are going to be forever altered and we are hoping that throughout the week we can share with you some stories […]
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Week 1 Day 6, 2016

Week 1 Day 6, 2016

  • Posted by Courtney Quigley
  • On August 7, 2015
Dear Hope’s In community, Two very special Guatemalan families awoke in a beautiful new house today. Yesterday we completed the houses, distributed 300 sandwiches to one of the poorest communities, and held a medical clinic in the garbage dump. What a day it was! Friday is “pay day”. When the house is completed the whole team goes to one house at a time to have a special ceremony celebrating the family that is receiving the house. It is quite emotional as we get to know the families really well and the joy the house brings to their family and our volunteers is undeniable. Hope’s In dedication traditions include serenading the […]
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