Erin: A blessing from God
- Posted by Courtney Quigley
- On August 11, 2014
For years I have been wanting to go on a mission trip with the Quigley family after hearing the amazing stories. This year was finally the year. The different things I experienced changed my view on the world and touched my heart with happiness and bliss. Seeing the joy on not only the treasures faces but the parents made me realize that happiness should not depend on the possession of objects, but the importance of family and the love that God provides.
Every person that the group passed in the community waved and said hello with a smile that was unforgettable. With the sight of one sticker, a treasure’s eyes would light up with excitement over something that most people would take for granted.
The last day was one of the hardest emotionally. All week, groups have been bonding with the families in the corresponding house. My house belonged to a family of five that opened their life and stories to our group. The mother of the house, Elsa, amazed me with her strong relationship with God. She told my brother of a dream she had. Elsa said that “gringos” brought three christmas trees to her house, not during christmas time. Later, she told her friends about the dream and then all three prayed together. Within the next few days, all three families got a call saying that they were getting a new Potter’s House home. The kids in the house, Cindy (11), Kimberly (6) and, Benjamin (1), loved to help and get involved.
Before I said my final goodbye, I told Kimberly that I would never forget her and that it would definitely not be the last time I saw her. The most important thing I said was “Tú eres un tesoro,” meaning “you are a treasure”. I wanted her to know that she is important and her future is bright. Just after one week they meant so much to me. Many tears were shed, but I knew that God would always watch over their family and keep them safe.
It was an amazing thing to experience with my family. It was awesome working together, learning and growing closer to God. We may have changed their lives, but they changed mine and taught me many lessons. I learned to be grateful for everything in my life and work hard to achieve my goals.
When walking down the street, no Guatemalan was begging, but working hard at their job. The most important thing I learned was that anything is possible with God. A close relationship with God can guide you through hard times and change your life.