A Local Charity Has Been Making a Big Impact on Families & Children in Guatemala
- Posted by Courtney Quigley
- On November 10, 2016
“Hope’s In is a locally founded charitable organization that partners with Potter’s House to raise money in order to build houses and provide help for families in the Garbage Dump Communities of Guatemala City.
Mandy and Laura, Potter’s House representatives from Guatemala, were visiting Barrington a few weeks ago. Having traveled to Guatemala with Hope’s In last summer, I was excited to interview them about the work they do in the communities surrounding the Garbage Dump and the impact locally founded Hope’s In has had on their work.
Sarika Bhuva: What is Potter’s House role in the Garbage Dump Communities?
“Our role is to provide development opportunities for the people living there,” Mandy & Laura shared.
Potter’s House Guatemala is focused on younger kids and encourage children to have a relationship with Christ. In the Garbage Dump Communities, there are a lot of different types of poverty they face.”
Photo courtesy of Living60010.